Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I May Be MIA...

I normally don't like to get too personal on this blog, but since I may be MIA for a while I might as well post about what's going on. Early Monday morning my dog Jack passed away. It was so sudden and unexplained that I may still be in shock from the whole experience. I lost so much sleep and drank so much coffee and whiskey there was a time that I dozed off yesterday and woke up hoping it was only a nightmare. Some people may laugh or not understand but its amazing the impact that a little black dog can make on your day to day life. I can honestly say that right now I don't have passion for anything, cooking and eating are furthest from my mind, and my heart simply aches.

I know that time is the ultimate healer, and that with time I can learn to celebrate life but it seems like loss is always most painful in the beginning. I am so thankful for my husband Hank and the support of my family and friends, its comforting to hear a kind word, a thoughtful prayer, or a funny anecdote about Jack. Anyways, I don't want to drag this on, hopefully I will return to blog later this week, I appreciate your patience! Now get off the internet and hug your dog or call your family, you'll never regret even the small moments you spent with them.


  1. I am so sorry. All of us who have loved and lost our dear pets know exactly what you are feeling.

  2. I lost my husky last summer, I still cry. {hugs}

  3. I'm so sorry for your loss. It takes a dog-lover to understand how deeply losing your pet affects you. My dear sweet Max has been gone for 5 years and I still miss him, but sometimes I can smile when I think of him now.

  4. I am so sorry to hear about your doggie. I'm a very dedicated dog "mom" too and I understand how you're feeling.
