Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Birthday Recap

I had a pretty awesome birthday weekend. We didn't do full-fledged party this year, just dinner with the family, but in addition to that there was shopping, bowling, and so so much cooking, canning, and eating, what more could you ask for?

Ah yes, gifts. I've had my eye on a pressure canner for some time - I'm so excited to use it and can stocks, soups, veggies, and sauces! I am already looking into canning mole sauce and tamales.

I also got an awesome pie carrier in my favorite color, cactus tiles, a new comal, cookbooks, a lovely teal oval dish, and cute shoes. Am I spoiled or what?

There were lots of good eats this weekend too, birthday dinner nachos, pitchers of shiner, banana pudding, an indoor picnic, and pineapple cake. Oh and canning. After all the shopping we did Saturday I did more canning in one day than I've ever done. I put up 6 pints peach pie filling, 3 pints banana peppers, 3 pints pickled okra, countless half pints of peach jam and blueberry butter - my kitchen overfloweth. Recipes will follow as soon as I recover.

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