Today is the last day of June, can you believe it? The summer seems to be flying by, and if you haven't taken advantage of all the in season fruits and veggies, now is the time to start! The grocery stores and farmer's markets seem to be flooded with cheap, ripe, sweet berries. I got a bargain on these very ripe raspberries at the downtown Farmer's Market, they were begging to be made into jam.

Raspberry Jam
(printable recipe)
from Ball, Complete Book of Home Preserving
5 tart apples, stems removed. Chopped coarsely (peel, core, and all)
1 lemon (unpeeled), finely chopped
4 c raspberries
5 c sugar
1. In a large, deep stainless steel saucepan combine apples, lemon and enough water to prevent sticking. Bring to boil over high heat. Reduce heat, partially cover and boil gently, stirring occasionally, for 20 minutes, until soft. Working in batches transfer mixture to a fine sieve to remove cores and skins. Should yield 2 cups of applesauce.
2. Prepare canner, jars, & lids.
3. Back to the pot with the applesauce, add raspberries and sugar. Bring to boil stirring constantly to dissolve sugar. Boil about 20 minutes (keep stirring!) until it thickens and mounds on a spoon. Remove from heat and skim off foam.
4. Ladle into six half-pint (8oz) jars, leaving 1/4" headspace. Remove any air bubbles, wipe rims and secure lids and rings.
5. Process 10 minutes in a hot water bath canner.

8 c halved hulled strawberries
4 c blueberries (reduce sugar to 3 c)
6 c peaches, plums, or nectarines (chopped, pitted, peeled)